b. 1457- d. 1482
Title: Duchess of Burgundy
Motto: Unknown
Symbol: Unknown
Parents/Up one generation
Same generation
Children/Down one generation
Ghent (July 1477)
Book Count: 8
Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett MS 78 B 12: Hours of Mary of Burgundy and Maximilian. Confirmed ownership c. 1480-1482 by Other.
BL Royal MS 15 D IV: Quinte Curse Ruffe des fais du grant Alexandre. Possible ownership c. 1470-? by Inscription.
BnF fr. 6446: Livre de Josephus. Possible ownership 1477-1482 by Inventory.
KBR MS 5513-17: Breviaire. Confirmed ownership post-1457-1482 by Inventory.
KBR MS 9466: Le Champion des dames. Possible ownership 1477-1482 by Inventory.
NE 1094 (formerly at El Escorial): La conduicte du premier chambellan de Bourgogne. Possible ownership 1477-1482 by Other.
ONB Cod. 1857: Hours of Mary of Burgundy. Confirmed ownership 147?-1482 by Patron Portrait.
Unnamed Private Collection, Miroir des dames: Miroir des dames. Confirmed ownership post-1477-1482 by Patron Portrait.